At Professor Wrist, we recognize that purchasing pre-owned watches online can be perceived as risky. We understand the significance of these purchases and the importance of receiving fair value for your money. Therefore, Professor Wrist assures you that if you are not completely satisfied with the authenticity of your purchase, we are here to assist you. We gladly accept returns and provide full refunds. Prior to listing an item on Professor Wrist, we thoroughly evaluate it for any signs of inauthenticity. These indicators include pricing, description content, and other relevant factors. While we strive to filter out such timepieces, if you ever encounter a purchase that you believe to be inauthentic or below the expected quality, please contact us. We will assist you with an exchange or refund. If Professor Wrist determines that an item is not authentic, we will promptly cancel the transaction, refund your money, and offer an exchange. Additionally, the flagged watches will be subjected to further review. On the other hand, if Professor Wrist confirms the authenticity of an item, the transaction will proceed smoothly. Rest assured, you will receive a Professor Wrist Digital Report, and we stand behind our commitment to assist you in case of any issues, ensuring a seamless return and refund process.

Professor Wrist is an independent entity and is not affiliated or partnered with any brands featured on the Professor Wrist site, unless otherwise stated. Our website provides a platform for individuals to buy/sell/trade luxury watches. However, when necessary or advisable, we work closely with customers to combat counterfeiting. Please note that all trademarks appearing on the Professor Wrist site belong to their respective owners.